'Bite Size Course' Campaign

Bite Size courses: 25 June to 21 July 2001

I am writing to ask for your support in the Bite Size course campaign which the Learning and Skills Council is currently running in England.

The campaign has been devised and launched on 25 June 2001. The campaign organisers aimed to achieve 5000 courses through the Council's 47 local offices. Instead, they have managed to organise nearly 20,000 courses in less than two months.

We are keen to help the LSC to develop confidence in its work to stimulate demand, and to engage the Adult Learners' Week network to that end. Could I ask for your help to encourage people in your area to join the Bite Size courses over the next month? You can find out what courses are going on in your area, and when, by going to website address: www.learndirect.co.uk/bitesize. This is important because, while some areas have thousands of courses, there are some with only a few such as in Cumbria where the campaign was hampered by foot and mouth.

The key points about Bite Size courses are:

  • Free and short typically one hour, but no more than three hours
  • Particularly targeted at adults who have done no learning since school. However, no-one is excluded if there is anything you would like to have a go at, please feel free to book up!
  • There are lots of computer courses, but also languages, crafts, job interview skills, help with reading etc
  • Everyone will receive a certificate
  • It is hoped that a small Bite Size success will encourage people to go on to more learning

If you would like any publicity material or to know more about the campaign, please call the Bite Size course co-ordinator in your local Learning and Skills Council office local office details are available from www.lsc.gov.uk. Alternatively you could try Peter McLaren Kennedy at the Council's national office on 02476 493837.

Your support would be greatly appreciated and we hope to be involved in and help to shape other Learning and Skills Council campaigns in the future.

Alan Tuckett, NIACE
