Digest 4

DIGEST of recent communications and publications received by NAEGA

Through membership of sister organisations and materials sent to us by members, NAEGA receives regular information from far and wide. This Digest is an attempt to make some of this information more widely available for members.

IAEVG Declaration on Educational and Vocational Guidance

The following features of guidance and counselling services are essential to meet the personal, social and economic development needs and to encourage further sustainable development in a knowledge based society.

  • Free and easy access to educational and vocational guidance regardless of gender, race, religion, age or occupational status.
  • Special target group needs should be met (e.g. disabilities and social disadvantage).
  • Recognised standards of training and service delivery should be met. (With CPD to enhance and update skills of practitioners. Practitioners must be under supervision).
  • Impartiality and confidentiality must be guaranteed.
  • Code of Ethics in accordance with 1995 IAEVG Ethical Standards must be in place.

For full text of Declaration made in Paris September 2001 see International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 2002, 2 (2) pp 79-83.

Basic Skills Bulletin has just been launched. For details contact:

How To Get A Job You'll Love by John Lees. 2nd edition, due to be published by McGraw-Hill in January 2003 - price £12.99.

Succeeding Generations: Creating our Futures is a draft consultation paper written by Peter Hawkins, Michael Howard and Deirdre Hughes for the Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby. The paper explores the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities within the present IAG model and sets out a vision for UK Career Guidance Services.
Details from www.derby.ac.uk.cegs

Newscheck 13 (2) Nov/Dec 2002. The latest Newscheck among other things contains an item on the revised 'Understanding Connexions' training programme. You can obtain a free copy of each issue joining the mailing list at DfES Publications, PO Box 99, SUDBURY, Suffolk CO10 2SN

Digest 4 prepared by Jonathan Brown.
December 2002
