Yet More on Supervision

To accompany a further article* in a series of papers on supervison for guidance practitioners in the current issue of News and Views, we are at the same time publishing on this website a Select Bibliography on Supervison (Support for professional practice in Guidance) compiled by Janet Moffett and Graham Allen of the University of Paisley.

NAEGA is also taking the opportunity of re-publishing here on the website the earlier papers from News and Views. These papers are:

Jonathan Brown on Whither practice and Practitioners in Adult Guidance which argued that '...all adult guidance practitioners should have a supervisor (using the model of supervison in coulselling'. [Summer 2002]

Rosemary Jolley's review article What sort of supervision? which ended with a plea 'Let us know of you experience of supervission and support. Can you give us any examples of good practice? What models have you tried? Which of them do you think has worked?' [Winter 2002]

Both Gill Aslett and from Jackie Sadler responded to Rosemary's questions and these were published under the heading What sort of supervison? in Spring 2003

Sheila Trahar's report Supervision for careers parctitioners in HE - developing the reflective practioner or an unwanted intervention? continued the debate in Winter 2002

Support for professional practice in guidance by Janet Moffett and Graham Allan of the Careers Guidance Course Centre at the University of Paisley is published in the Summer 2003 issue of News and Views.
