Developing strategy for IAG for adults in England: Ministers request practitioner involvement
In autumn, 2001, the Performance Innovation Unit of the Cabinet Office published 'In Demand — Adult Skills for the 21st Century'. This noted the need for a coherent and integrated IAG service, recommending the bringing together of the current learndirect information and advice service with local services for adults provided in England through the IAG Partnerships. The DfES has jointly funded the Learning and Skills Council and the Ufi to commission a feasibility study on how an integrated coherent service might be achieved. The study made a number of recommendations and the LSC and Ufi are working on these to develop a proposal for the future. Ministers asked specifically that early views were sought from practitioners and other stakeholders on the practicality of the proposals and on whether other options should be considered. The workshop was facilitated by Heather Jackson, who wrote the interim findings of the feasibility study. The session was confidential in order to encourage the frank exchange of views and vigorous discussion which took place. It is too early to say whether there will be further opportunities on the proposals. |