The latest issue of News and Views contains the following item on Supervision. See also June 2003 (below) for more on supervision.

Accredited Training in Support for Professional Practice

By Janet Moffett (University of Paisley)

Recent issues of News and Views have carried a series of papers on supervision for guidance workers. Most of these are now available for downloading from the NAEGA website The series culminated in Summer 2003 with Support for professional practice in guidance by Janet Moffett and Graham Allan of the Careers Guidance Course Centre at the University of Paisley. To accompany this paper we published on the website a Select Bibliography on Supervison (Support for professional practice in Guidance) which was compiled by Janet and Graham. Janet now reports on a training course devised for Careers Scotland.

As readers of News and Views may know, the Careers Guidance Centre at the University of Paisley has been involved in developing accredited Training in Support for Professional Practice for those employees of Careers Scotland working with the particular, hard-to-help client. This is the culmination of research consultation and external supervision of staff working on various social inclusion projects. The result was unanimous agreement that support and supervision was helpful in terms of staff morale, self-esteem and work with clients. The need therefore, for trained supervisors was acknowledged, and the University of Paisley has designed a postgraduate masters level module which will give the necessary knowledge and skills to allow staff to undertake supervision of colleagues.

The module is delivered outwith the university to allow ease of access for students throughout Scotland, and involves a balance of taught, self-study and experiential learning.

The students are required to attend for seven days over a period of 15 weeks. These ‘taught’ sessions are heavily peppered with experiential activities and triad working to develop the necessary supervisory and supporting skills and techniques. A module pack contains introductory reading material and the students who are registered part-time students with the university have access to university facilities including online library and inter-library loans.

The assessment involves undertaking a number of supervisory/support sessions; analysing and developing a case study with video or auditory tape evidence; and reflecting on their learning and development by maintaining a learning journal.

The first cohort of students has started, and everyone involved is enjoying the learning and pioneering associated with the experience – so far!
