NAEGA's quarterly journal is written by members for members. Members use it to share views, explore ideas and learn about what's going on in guidance. Each issue has a theme along with regular items such as a news section and conference listing. Scroll down to see back issues.

Guidance Throughout Europe

Autumn 2004

What's the EU take on guidance? What are the implications of its resolution on guidance? The autumn issue of News and Views looks at this and at guidance across more than the geographical spectrum, including working with Deaf clients, providing e-guidance and more. Plus all the usual letters, comment and news round up. All that and a bright new look too!

NAEGA is a winner

Summer 2004

This bumper 24-page summer issue shows that NAEGA is a well-deserved medal winner. Informed comment about the IAG Framework, the matrix standards and more on the Challenge of Change. We also ask if email is a good way to deliver guidance plus news round up, conference info and letters.

NAEGA response to the English IAG Policy Framework

Spring 2004

What is the NAEGA response to the English IAG Policy Framework? The Spring 2004 issue of News and Views considers its implications for adult guidance in England, and gives a full report of the Challenge of Change seminars, plus all the usual news and comment.

News & Views Spring 2004

NAEGA Re-Publishes Key Report

Winter 2003

Check out the Winter 2003 issue of News and Views for what's new in NAEGA and the guidance world. This bumper edition contains articles on career guidance and public policy, literacy and numeracy in Scotland, provision for over 45s plus letters, news and intelligent comment.

Coming of Age: NAEGA's 21st Birthday Party

Autumn 2003

Join NAEGA as it celebrates 21 years at the forefront of educational guidance for adults. This issue of News and Views discusses NAEGA's response to the Supporting Adult Learners skills strategy; includes updates on Careers Scotland, IAG and older people; and transitions and the careers intervention; plus all the latest news, views and comment.

The Future of IAG in England

Summer 2003

This issue looks at the future of IAG in England plus all the latest news, views and comment..

Is it a good idea to start a career in adult guidance?

Spring 2003

Find out what the professionals think and then make your own mind up! Check out the latest news on what's happening in NAEGA and adult guidance generally.

News & Views Spring 2003

Should Careers Guidance professionals have chartered status?

Winter 2002

Read the NAEGA view. The December 2002 issue of News and Views takes a closer look at supervision; reports on good practice in working with refugees; and publishes new research into the impact of pre-entry guidance on student success in FE.

Conference Special

Autumn 2002

Check out the reports and news form the latest NAEGA conference in this Conference Special edition. Details of the new NAEGA board elected at the AGM plus the usual round up of news and comment.

Whither Practice and Practitioners in Adult Guidance

Summer 2002

Jonathan Brown makes four assertions about the impact of Connexions in England and Careers Scotland on adult guidance. The Sumnmer 2002 issue also includes articles on the effect of privatisation on careers guidance, confidentiality and access to records, learner needs plus regular news and updates.

Spring 2002

As the Guidance Council announces that 'matrix' is to be the brand for its Standards, Jonathan Brown asks how guidance should be branded. This bumper issue of News and Views brings you the latest on the NAEGA 2002 conference; the legalities of providing online guidance plus all the usual features.

Winter 2001

Should ILAs be abolished? The Winter 2001 issue puts the NAEGA viewpoint. This issue also carries information about the revised GAB standards plus the usual features: News Round Up, Jonathan's Travails, Agony Page and Letters Page.

Conference Special

Autumn 2001

Catch up on what went on at the NAEGA 2001 Annual Conference. Reports from workshops and comments on the main event of the NAEGA calendar. Also, report of the Home Internationals and the usual round up of guidance news and views.

Informing, Information and Communications Technology

Summer 2001

High quality information is vital to guidance as well as the information technology to deliver it to the best effect. News and Views explores the issues along with articles on the over 50s, Careers Scotland, developments in Wales and a problem page.

A Question of Quality

Spring 2001

Real quality in guidance will be achieved when every UK citizen has access to a guidance service which is equivalent to the best available anywhere. This issue looks at what quality and quality assurance are all about.

News & Views Spring 2001

Conference Special

Winter 2000

Gives a full report of the 2000 conference in Edinburgh; NAEGA's response to the Higher Education Careers Services Review plus updates on qualifications.

Going for Gold: Issues and Innovations in Guidance Practice

Autumn 2000

Features examples of good practice in delivering guidance; NAEGA's response to the Learning and Skills Councils plus opinion on lifelong learning.

Qualified for Guidance

Summer 2000

What are the various routes to qualifications? How can we raise and improve standards in the profession? What's it like doing a NVQ? All these issues and more are tackled along with Web Wizard and information about Connexions.

Guidance for Communities

Spring 2000

Taking guidance into communities, whether in rural Wales or in the inner city. This issue looks at some of the many initiatives around the UK.