Working locally

Local branches bring together practitioners at local level and are an excellent opportunity for NAEGA members to exchange information and make useful contacts. Branch contacts are listed below.

NAEGA is currently developing its branch network. For the latest on these developments contact Kathy Blackmore, Branch Development Project Manager at

Diddy Kirton
Tel: 01787 880241

East Midlands
Siobhan Neary-Booth
Tel: 0115 9785349

Diddy Kirton
Tel: 01787 880241

Leigh Henderson
Tel: 01962 886244
Tel: 07970 829225

North East
Amanda Green
Tel: 01484 605481

Siobhan Neary-Booth
Tel: 0115 9785349

North West
Jo Ward
Tel: 01925 625068

South East
Leigh Henderson
Tel: 01962 886244
Tel: 07970 829225

South West
Wendy Gilbert
Tel: 01453 836275

West Mildands
To be appointed

Yorkshire & Humber
Amanda Green
Tel: 01484 605481

Northern Ireland
To be appointed

Liz Thomson
Tel: 01259 215181
Tel: 07720 842727

To be appointed