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NAEGA is the major UK association for adult guidance practitioners. It is run by members for members. As practitioners or managers of services ourselves, we know what it's like to work in the many and varied settings where adult guidance takes place.

In 2010 the NAEGA Board is implementing a number of important changes to the way that NAEGA operates. These changes will improve the communication between members and the Board, provide more practical support to NAEGA members throughout the year and, most importantly, provide an important feedback loop between the views of practitioners and those of policy makers. A summary of the proposed changes is provided below. We would welcome feedback from members.

  1. Our strap line will change from 'promoting' adult guidance on learning and work to 'supporting' adult guidance for learning and work, to reflect our commitment to supporting practitioners and managers working in the aacs and in the wider adult guidance sector.
  2. Our priority for the conference and throughout our activities during the coming year will be to promote the value and professionalism of the adult guidance workforce.
  3. To reflect these changes the Board has decided to:
    • explore the potential for regional 'CPD' workshops on themes which reflect practitioner priorities and concerns;
    • facilitate a 'managers' forum for managers in the new aacs;
    • identify ways of capturing key issues facing members in the delivery of services in order to feed them back to policy makers.
  4. The NAEGA website will be an important element of the changes we are implementing. We will aim to keep it up-to-date and ensure details of all events and activities are available on the site.
  5. Because we have identified an overlap between News & Views and the website, we have decided to temporarily suspend production of News & Views and to, instead, send out monthly update emails to keep members informed of the activities of the Board and NAEGA events.
  6. During the absence of News & Views we would welcome contributions from members on any issues or concerns that they feel need to be addressed by the wider sector, or that could be of interest to other members. These can go up on the NAEGA website or we would be happy to publish 'thought pieces' provided by members as long as they align with NAEGA's priorities and are approved by the wider Board.

NAEGA is a limited company, with a Board of Directors drawn from its membership. A network of branches develops our work across the UK. These are a great way for members to exchange information and make contacts. Click here to find out about your nearest branch.

c/o SAS Event Management
The Old George Brewery
Rollestone Street

Tel: 01722 415 154

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