East of England
The East of England Branch has three events a year and circulates newsletters to local members. We are exploring with IAG partnerships running joint events in the east and west of the region. New members are always welcome - please get in touch.
- Liz Gillings
Read what we've been up to and what we are planning:
You can find our branch newsletters, reports of past meetings and much more in the members area. Once you have logged in click on "Resources area" then "East of England".
Upcoming meetings:
- Sarah Harper from Careers Advice Service and AGM
- Tuesday 9 March 2010
- Sarah will provide information on the work of CAS and also show us what resources are available through Advice Resources.
- Advancing guidance - Advancing NAEGA - Advancing YOU
- Thursday 17 June 2010
- Dealing with highly qualified clients
- Friday 19 November 2010
Our meetings are half day events (a.m.) and are held at the Cambridge Professional Development Centre in Trumpington, Cambridge.
Contact Liz Gillings: