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We hold three meetings a year at different venues in or near central London with between 15 and 25 people usually attending. We would love to have more members - please contact us:

Lesley Urbach
Tel: 020 7624 3719

Branch meeting

Monday 19 April 2010
9.30am - 1.00pm

Open University,
1-11 Hawley Crescent,
London NW1 8NP

Nearest tube: Camden Town

London branch meeting programme - 19 April 2010
9.30am Arrival and Coffee
10.00am National Apprenticeship Service
Negat Lodhi
11.15am Skills for Health
Annette Clark, Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Manager
12.30pm Branch meeting
opportunity to exchange information/share ideas
1.00pm Close

NAEGA members: Free.
Non-members: £10.00
Please bring the money on the day and we will issue a receipt.

To confirm your attendance please download the booking form, complete and return to Lesley Urbach ().

Non-member? Join NAEGA for training and support.

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