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NAEGA Conference 2007

Every Adult Matters

4-6 July 2007, Manchester

Post Conference - October 2007

The developments leading up to the conference are listed below, oldest at the bottom, most recent at the top.

Taking Bookings - March 2007

Book now to take advantage of early-bird delegate fees for members.

Download booking brochure PDF [452KB]

On-line booking

Posters and Speed-Networking - February 2007

Invitation to take part in new event

To give more delegates an opportunity to disseminate information and ideas about their practice, initiatives and continuing professional development, we are introducing two sessions which we have called Posters and Speed Networking. This note is to explain what we have in mind.

Posters are easier to understand and are the more static part of the duo. But the Speed Networking provides the dynamic. As with other activities from the 'speed' stable, the intention is find common ground or purpose for future action between poster authors and other delegates. Success will be measured in activity beyond the conference.

Posters: There will be space in the exhibition area to hang up to 20 posters (the exact number will depend on space). The main restriction is the size of the poster. The maximum size is A1 (size of a flip chart). There is no restriction on content or format. The posters can range from:

  • Professionally designed to freehand work
  • Dense text to no text (written to graphic)
  • Monochrome to multi-coloured

The intention is to give delegates an opportunity to give a flavour of their work and to share this with fellow delegates.

The conference planning team, whilst reserving the right to reject poster proposals, will normally accept posters on a first come first served basis.

Poster exhibition: The posters will be hung throughout the conference from the Wednesday evening until Friday lunchtime. There will be an interactive facility throughout via post-it notes to allow delegates, at any time, to comment on the poster itself or to ask questions of the 'author(s)'. There will also be a response system. There will also be a poster prize awarded to the best poster, which will be presented at the end of the Friday networking session.

Speed networking sessions: On both Thursday morning and Friday morning the conference programme will use the posters for Speed Networking sessions. In these sessions, the poster authors can introduce (very briefly) their posters to groups of delegates who will rotate at set intervals from poster to poster. These short, sharp sessions will be quite lively and probably noisy. There is no prescription on the format of the speed networking sessions except time. So, it would be possible to augment what you say by a handout (but there will be no facility for the handouts to be reproduced at the conference or to be on display other than as a part of the poster). Remember the intention is find common ground or purpose for future action. between posters authors and other delegates.

Can you help us? NAEGA needs up to 20 delegates to prepare and hang posters at the conference. This is your invitation to take on a leading role whilst at Manchester.

How do I book a poster 'spot'?

Email giving:

  • name
  • contact telephone
  • organisation
  • short title of the proposed poster
  • a sentence or two to indicate content

For further information email Jonathan Brown () or phone on 0191 285 7445

Concession Scheme - February 2007

NAEGA has a concession scheme to facilitate member attendance and participation in the 2007 conference in Manchester.

Update on developments - December 2006

After the second meeting of the hard-working conference planning team, the programme is taking shape. We have now 'signed' three keynote speakers:

For Thursday morning 5th July:

Every Adult Matters - Professor Stephen McNair. Stephen was until recently at the University of Surrey. He has recently transferred back to NIACE as assistant director bringing with him CROW (Centre for Research into Older Workers). More significantly Stephen was in the 1980s and early 1990s head of UDACE which did so much for adult guidance

For Thursday afternoon 5th July:

Guidance Needs of Older Adults and the impact of the Age Discrimination Act - Patrick Grattan. Patrick is director of TAEN (now called The Age and Employment Network). Patrick knows NAEGA well and TAEN has been in the forefront of arguing for the employment rights of older people. TAEN were one of the co-sponsors of the large NAEGA occasional publication by Geoff Ford, which we published at the beginning of 2005 - Am I Still Needed? Guidance and Learning for Older Adults.

For Friday morning 6th July:

New Techniques for IAG and Adult Guidance - Professor Jenny Bimrose. Jenny spoke at our York Conference and ran a workshop there. She is principal research fellow at the University of Warwick Jenny has over thirty years experience of researching and teaching post-graduates in higher education in the area of career guidance. She is Visiting Professor in Career Research and Practice at the Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby.

Note the date in your diaries. This will be a very special NAEGA Conference as it marks our 25th birthday and the facilities at the Manchester Conference Centre are first class in every respect. Members will be sent a copy of the booking brochure in February 2007. Meanwhile watch this website for further news.

Update on developments - October 2006

The 2007 Conference Planning Team met for the first time in October in Manchester. As a result we are able to give the first details of the 2007 NAEGA Conference which has been brought forward from September to July to accommodate members who find September a very busy time for their services. We think that at Manchester we can develop a super programme to mark NAEGA's 25th birthday (NAEGA was created at Wakefield in July 1982).

Main features of the 2007 conference

Venue: Manchester Conference Centre of the University of Manchester

Facilities and Accommodation: These are first rate with hotel accommodation (branded as Days Inn with AA 3-star rating) above the compact ground-floor conference facilities. More hotel standard accommodation is in the nearby Ibis Hotel with slightly cheaper en-suite student bedrooms available across the road.

Location: The conference centre is in the city centre and easy walking distance (say, 6 mins) from both Piccadilly and Oxford Road. Manchester has excellent links by rail, road and air. There is a frequent train link direct from Manchester Airport to Piccadilly Station. The Charles Street multi-storey car park with competitively priced parking for around 700 cars is alongside.

Dates: the team is planning a programme which starts on the Wednesday evening (4th July) with a full day's programme on Thursday (5th July) 9am till late and a busy programme on the Friday (6th July) up to late lunch at 1.30pm

The planning team welcomes suggestions for workshops and other activities. Email the convenor Jonathan Brown () or phone 0191 285 7445

Watch this space for more details as plans develop.

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