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The articles in this section explore different aspects of adult guidance. Click on the links to download.

The files are in PDF format - you may need Adobe Acrobat to read them. You can download Adobe Acrobat here.

The conference will focus on our investigation into the question of "how can I write a narrative essay for me by myself". Our aim is to explore the various strategies and techniques that can be employed by students to improve their writing skills and craft a compelling narrative essay independently. 

Adult Guidance Profession

6 articles
Latest article:
Observation of Adult Guidance Practice in Finland
Lucy Hearne's observations and experiences of Finnish guidance provision in the education and employment sector.
Download: finland-review.pdf [75kb]

Developments in Adult Guidance

6 articles
Latest article:
An Adult Guidance Service: a NAEGA Position Statement
NAEGA's response to the launch of the new Next Step adult careers service.
Download: response-to-adult-careers-service-sept-2010.pdf [262kb]

Guidance in Rural Areas

Latest article:
Supporting Rural Access to Guidance
Andrea McCarthy and Martina Harte. Rural access is a developing issue in many parts of the UK and Ireland. This is a shortened version of a conference paper outlining experience in south-east Ireland.
Read more

Millennium Research Bursary

2 articles
Latest article:
Learning Routes for Practitioners: Skills and Knowledge for Adult Guidance Work
Lande Wolsey, Careers Service, Queen Margaret University College and Joy Clark, Continuing Education, East Lothian Council. NAEGA millennium bursary report investigates the routes taken by adult guidance practitioners into this field of work, and how they acquired their professional skills and knowledge.
Download: learning-routes.pdf [99kb]


6 articles
Latest article:
Whither Practice and Practitioners in Adult Guidance? (Leading feature for News and Views)
Professor Jonathan Brown. Argues that all adult guidance practitioners should have a supervisor (using the model of supervision in counselling).
Download: whither-practice.pdf [69kb]

What is Adult Guidance?

Latest article:
Opening the Door to Opportunity: Adult Guidance holds the key
Professor Jonathan Brown. First appeared in Journal of Access Policy and Practice (JAPP). JAPP is an academic journal published by NIACE which has kindly given permission to NAEGA to make the paper available for you to download. The author reflects on his work as editor of the NAEGA Occasional Publication, The Challenge of Change (2003) and goes on to consider three questions: What is the distinctive nature of work with adults? What are the barriers to adult participation in education, training and work? What is the nature of adult guidance?
Download: opening-the-door.pdf [46kb]

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