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Adult Guidance Profession

Click on the links to view or download articles. Some of the files are in PDF format - you may need Adobe Acrobat to read them. You can download Adobe Acrobat here.

Observation of Adult Guidance Practice in Finland
July 2008
Lucy Hearne's observations and experiences of Finnish guidance provision in the education and employment sector.
Download: finland-review.pdf [75kb]
Nextstep goes to Bremen
July 2006
Mo Osborne, NAEGA company secretary and nextstep manager for Hertfordshire, reports on a week in Bremen as part of Careers Europe's Leonardo guidance practitioner exchange programme, which was funded by ESF.
Download: Leonardo-exchange-report.pdf [182kb]
G is for Guidance
December 2005
In G is for Guidance, first published in NACGT Journal, December 2005, Alan Vincent asks, “Are we really comfortable with the ever-increasing use of IAG as an umbrella term to describe our professional activity?” Alan Vincent is General Secretary of NACGT and editor of the NAGT Journal. NACGT changed its name to Association for Careers Education and Guidance (ACEG) on 1 January 2006. NAEGA is grateful to ACEG and to Alan Vincent for permission to reproduce the article for downloading on the NAEGA website. Copyright remains with ACEG and Alan Vincent.
Download: g-is-for-guidance.pdf [46kb]
Opening a Door - Evaluating the Benefit of Guidance for the Adult Client
October 2005
Lucy Hearne. Report from REGSA about evaluating the benefits of guidance for adult clients and contains the questionnaire for collecting the data. This report was originally published by REGSA at Waterford. It is reproduced here in a downloadable format with permission of REGSA and Lucy Hearne who retain full copyright. NAEGA is grateful to REGSA and Lucy Hearne for facilitating this wider publication.
Download: opening-a-door.pdf [295kb]
Guidance Workers as Learning Brokers
December 2004
This paper was published in Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning: the journal of the Institute of Access Studies and the European Access Network [WP & LLL] (Volume 6 Number 3) in December 2004. WP & LLL is a learned journal published Staffordshire University. NAEGA is grateful to the Editors and Publishers of WP & LLL for permission to reproduce the Hawthorn and Watts paper on our website in a downloadable format. Copyright remains with Staffordshire University.
Download: learning-brokers.pdf [41kb]
Strategic Plan for Chartered Status of Career Guidance
June 2002
Strategic Plan for Chartered Status of Career Guidance for submission to the Department for Education and Skills.
Download: chartered-status-plan.pdf [66kb]

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