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Select Bibliography on Supervision
June 2003
Janet Moffett and Graham Allen. This is a bibliography produced as a by-product of the research done for Careers Scotland. Contains listing of 19 items.
Download: select-bibliography.pdf [32kb]
Support for Professional Practice in Guidance
June 2003
Janet Moffett and Graham Allan. A report on research carried out for Careers Scotland on the support and supervision needs of guidance practitioners.
Download: support-profession-practice.pdf [91kb]
What Sort of Supervision? (Response)
March 2003
Gill Aslett and Jackie Sadler. These are short responses to the Jolley review.
Download: what-sort-of-response.pdf [79kb]
Supervision for careers practitioners in HE - developing the reflective practitioner or an unwanted intervention?
December 2002
Sheila Trahar. Short report on a research project on the supervision needs of careers advisers in higher education.
Download: supervision-for-careers.pdf [68kb]
What Sort of Supervision?
September 2002
Rosemary Jolley. This is a review of EDWARDS A (ed) (2002) Supporting personal advisers in connnexions: perspectives on supervision and mentoring from allied professions, Canterbury, Centre for Career and Personal Development, Canterbury Christ Church University College. In the review, Rosemary Jolley considers the forms of supervision used in a range of other professions.
Download: what-sort-of-supervision.pdf [89kb]
Whither Practice and Practitioners in Adult Guidance? (Leading feature for News and Views)
June 2002
Professor Jonathan Brown. Argues that all adult guidance practitioners should have a supervisor (using the model of supervision in counselling).
Download: whither-practice.pdf [69kb]

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