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The Basic Skills Agency
The national development organisation for literacy and numeracy in England and Wales.
BBC Learning
Helps you find the sites, TV and radio programmes which will help further learning ambitions.
BBC Skillswise
Interactive adult and numeracy resource from the BBC for tutors and learners which aims to help adults improve their reading, writing and maths skills.
City & Guilds
City & Guilds is a provider of vocational qualifications in the United Kingdom. Its qualifications assess skills that are of practical value in the work place.
Community University of the Valleys Partnership
Partnership of universities and community enterprises, working together to develop lifelong learning opportunities for the people of the West Wales & Valleys areas. Includes details of courses and where to access them.
Education and Learning Wales
Information relating to post-16 education and training in Wales for individuals, businesses, communities and learning and research providers.
Further Education Works
Campaign developed by Lifelong Learning UK on behalf of the FE Reputation Strategy Group, to highlight the impact and benefits of the FE system.
National organisation representing all 23 Further Education (FE) Colleges and the two FE institutions in Wales
A single reference point for everything students need to know about higher education in the UK. Includes profiles and links to all UK universities and colleges.
International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS)
Located within the Faculty of Education, Health and Sciences at the University of Derby and at the forefront of innovative national and international research and continuous professional development in career guidance. Offers a range of research, learning programmes and information services, which aim to bridge the gap between guidance theory, research and practice in support of lifelong learning.
Impartial information and advice on over 600,000 courses from providers throughout the UK and courses and services designed to help individuals, businesses and employees.
Phone: National Learning Advice: 0800 100 900
Learning Wales
Answers questions on student support and tuition fees that will apply in Wales.
Literacy Tools
For adults who would like to improve their spelling, reading and number skills using a computer.
Make the Right Connection
Coordinated by EGSA in association with adult learning providers, broadcast and print media and those with an interest in adult learning.
National Adult Literacy Agency
National co-ordination, training and policy development in adult literacy work in Ireland. Includes links to local literacy contacts.
National Extension College
Offers a range of nationally recognised qualifications in a wide variety of subjects with flexible and long distance learning courses.
National Vocational Qualifications
Background to NVQs - why they exist and how they can help individuals and key players in the employment, training and qualifications world.
Open University
OU courses are considered to be among the world's best distance education materials and are regularly awarded for their innovation.
Oxford Cambridge & RSA Examinations (OCR)
One of the UK's leading awarding bodies, providing a wide range of qualifications which recognise the achievements of learners in all phases of life and work.
UCAS: Universities & College Admissions Services
Information and advise on applying for Higher Education and details of colleges and universities.
Unionlearn (formerly TUC Learning Services)
Trade unions promote learning at work to make sure their members get the learning opportunities and training they need.
Welsh Student Funding Partnership
Aims to provide accurate and complete information regarding funding opportunities available to both prospective and current students.

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