Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch

  • A key issue for the members and committee of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch has been to plan for a review of our membership in Scotland and to identify what value NAEGA Branch activities can bring to members' work practice.

    With funding approved by the national NAEGA Board, a survey of members in Scotland is being conducted.

    The main objectives of the consultation are to clarify members' views on The future direction of a regional Branch for members in Scotland and Northern Ireland:

    - to identify what priorities and activities should feature in a Branch programme

    - to establish effective communications systems

    - to determine potential participation amongst members

    Once the results have been analysed, this will inform the next stage of development through the Branch Mentoring Project.

  • During the year, members in Northern Ireland have been heavily involved in the planning for the national conference in October in Armagh.
  • In September 2004, the Branch held an event to discuss issues related to Supervision for Guidance Practitioners - Janet Moffet and Graham Allan from the University of Paisley gave a presentation on their work on this with Careers Scotland and there was discussion on approaches that might be developed in other guidance settings.
  • In Scotland, there was lively debate amongst a broad range of members on the currency of The Challenge of Change at a Workshop Session, facilitated by Jonathan Brown. Although it was a wet and windy January day outside in Edinburgh, the contribution of delegates was both lively and enthusiastic.
