New Publication

The Connexions Strategy and
All-Age Guidance

Long standing NAEGA member Geoff Ford is the author of a new Occasional Paper published by the Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby (for CEGS see It tackles an issue with which all involved in adult guidance in England have anxiety.

"Much concern has been expressed that the focus on 'horizontal' integration of services for young people aged 13-19 within Connexions contains the risk of undermining the 'vertical' integration of all-age guidance. This paper shows that the eight principles of guidance delivery identified in the Connexions strategy apply as well to adults as young people. This is equally true of a number of additional principles - or 'conditions' - of effective guidance, implicit to Connexions and necessary for the implementation of local services. The Connexions Strategy therefore provides a unique opportunity to build guidance provision at local level that meets the expressed requirements of all age groups. Genuine partnership working and deliberate effort by all concerned is required".

Get your own copy of this required New Year reading from CEGS, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, DERBY, DE22 1GB by sending an A4 size SAE.
