NAEGA is a member of the Scottish Guidance Forum, which includes members from the key sectors involved in developing and delivering guidance provision for adults. Through its programme of quarterly meetings, there have been opportunities to discuss:
- role of guidance in the Scottish strategy on literacy and numeracy
- refocusing of the Guidance Council's activities
- key priorities for Learning Connections (Communities Scotland)
- relaunch of the Challenge of Change
- first level guidance pilot project for Literacies workers
- learndirect Scotland's agenda in relation to social inclusion
- proposals for a UK National Forum for Guidance
- priorities for the future operation of the Scottish Guidance Forum
A new network supported by all Scottish Further Education College Principals has been formed to support the development of Guidance in Further Education Colleges. Since its establishment in November 2003, the Guidance and Student Support Network has consulted with its members to identify its key themes:
- to influence policy
- to provide access to CPD for practitioners
- to support research
There have already been CPD and conference events organised and funding for research is being investigated.