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Our occasional papers and reports on adult guidance issues keep you informed and up to date. These are available for you to download and print off.

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NAEGA Annual Report 2010
Entitled 'Guidance Professionals: valued and valuable', our 2010 annual report includes articles by NAEGA Chair Ann Ruthven and President Stephen McNair discussing NAEGA's progress and developments in adult guidance over the past year.
Download: annual-report-2010.pdf [400kb]
Championing Adult Guidance: the story of NAEGA 1982-2010
NAEGA Occasional Paper by Professor Jonathan Brown, the first chair of the association, and the only person to ever hold a chair in educational guidance at a British university. Preface by past NAEGA President Vivienne Rivis.
Download: history-of-NAEGA-1982-2010.pdf [183kb]
NAEGA Annual Report 2009
'Changing Times, Changing Adult Guidance', the 2009 annual report, describes our work over the past year under the headings of promoting guidance, continuous professional development, membership, communications, governance and finance. It acknowledges the volume of work achieved despite the difficulties caused by the economic climate.
Download: annual-report-2009.pdf [640kb]
Statement of Values
Viv Rivis has produced a Statement of Values for NAEGA which sets out our principles and commitments.
Download: statement-of-values-2009.pdf [83kb]
NAEGA Annual Report 2008
'Advancing Adult Guidance', the 2008 annual report, describes our work over the past year under the headings of promoting guidance, continuous professional development, membership, communications, governance and finance.
Download: annual-report-2008.pdf [597kb]
NAEGA Annual Accounts 2007
NAEGA's Annual Accounts and Directors' Report for the year ended 31 December 2007.
Download: accounts-2007.pdf [121kb]
NAEGA Annual Report 2007
Every Adult Matters, the 2007 annual report, describes the organisation's work at local and national level over the past year under the headings of promoting guidance, continuous professional development, membership, communications, governance and finance.
Download: annual-report-2007.pdf [365kb]
CPD Strategy
The NAEGA CPD strategy recognises the diversity of members working in many different organisations and using a variety of skills and knowledge to promote guidance for learning and work.
Download: cpd-strategy.pdf [616kb]
Principles of Ethical Practice
NAEGA's principles of ethical practice for practitioners and organisations providing information, advice and guidance services to adults provide a foundation for developing reflective practice as part of CPD activities.
Download: principles-of-ethical-practice.pdf [194kb]
Learning from Adult Guidance Practice
In March 2006, all NAEGA members in England were invited to submit feedback on current practice, including case studies, for our submission to the government's Review of Information, Advice and Guidance in England. These case studies are published here as they give a powerful account of the wide diversity of IAG clients and the range of settings in which IAG services are delivered. They clearly demonstrate how flexible and responsive services need to be to meet the needs of adults seeking to improve their lives.
Download: learning-from-adult-guidance-practice.pdf [470kb]
NAEGA Annual Report 2006
The 2006 annual report focuses on NAEGA's efforts during the past year on developing practice for the future. The report describes the organisation's continual professional development framework and accompanying strategy, and shows how our various work programmes, including communications, branch development and national conference fit into this. Also contains company information and summary accounts.
Download: annual-report-2006.pdf [1.68mb]
NAEGA Annual Report 2005
New Directions reports on the period June 2004 to June 2005. It describes developments within NAEGA and within guidance generally; gives an update on local branches; sets out plans for the next year; and provides company news.
Download: annual-report-2005.pdf [2.5mb]
NAEGA Annual Report 2004
Learning from Each Other updates members on the year's activities and sets out NAEGA's plans for the future. The report also includes details of the branch development project; a round up of guidance across the UK and in Europe; and a financial report.
Download: annual-report-2004.pdf [501kb]
NAEGA First Annual Report, reissued 2003
Produced originally in 1983, it makes interesting reading. It shows that some of today's issues were present from the start but it also shows how much the 'landscape' of adult guidance has changed.
Download: first-annual-report.pdf [82kb]
The Challenge of Change: developing adult guidance for adults, Autumn 2003
This is an edited version of a report first published in 1986. The 1986 report made a big impact on publication and has been important in the development of adult guidance ever since. It has, however, been out of print for some years, so this re-publication by NAEGA makes it available again to our members and all who are interested in the practice and theory of guidance of adults. Price £5.00 including postage (discounts for bulk orders).
Contact NAEGA for details.
The Demand for Adult Guidance, Spring 2001
Reproduces important research commissioned by the Scottish Executive into the demand for adult guidance. Establishes beyond question, the need to find a better explanation of guidance to potential clients. A significant contribution to the literature of guidance.
Download: demand-for-adult-guidance.pdf [239kb]

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