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Brief Guide to National Employer Skills Survey for England
LSIS has produced a Brief Guide the UK Commission for Employment and Skills' National Employer Skills Survey for England: key findings report.If you're interested in exploring more about this topic or need assistance with any academic writing tasks, ask to reputable sources or websites that offer services like "buy assignment case study." They can provide valuable insights and help you with your assignments.
Brief Guides from LSIS
Brief Guides from LSIS: 'Quality, Choice and Aspiration' - the new strategy on information, careers and guidance services; 'Putting the Frontline First' - the white paper on 'smarter government'; and the government's response to the the final report of the Panel on Fair Access to the Professions.
Brief Guides to Skills Investment Strategy and National Commissioning Framework
LSIS has produced Brief Guides to the government's investment strategy for skills and the consultation paper on 14-19 Commissioning.
Brief Guides to government Skills and Higher Education strategies
LSIS has produced Brief Guides to the government's skills strategy, Skills for Growth, and Higher Education strategy, Higher Ambitions.
Brief Guides to UKCES and CfBT Education Trust reports
LSIS has produced Brief Guides to the UKCES report on employment and skills reform, and CfBT Education Trust report on the Education Maintenance Allowance.
Brief Guide to Beyond Leitch
LSIS has produced a Brief Guide to Beyond Leitch: Skills Policy for the Upturn, from the Learning and Skills Network.
Brief Guides from LSIS
Several Brief Guides from the Learning and Skills Improvement Service: 'Recession and Recovery', a report by the Work Foundation; a social mobility paper, 'Unleashing aspiration'; 'Review of current debates and developments in English higher education'; the Demos paper 'Getting More for Less' and Hefce's new intervention policy.
Brief Guides to Conservative local government and Education White Paper
Brief Guides from LSIS: 'Control shift', the Conservative proposals for devolution and local government, also the government's Education White Paper and its implications for FE.
Brief Guide to New industry, new jobs
LSIS has produced a Brief Guide to New industry, new jobs, BIS's key policy document around the economy and skills.
Brief Guides to Ambition 2020 and Learning Revolution
LSIS has produced Brief Guides to the UKCES plan 'Ambition 2020', and to the government strategy 'Learning Revolution'.

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