NAEGA contributes to Strategy for Workforce Development
Posted: 26 January 2010
NAEGA was represented at LLUK's consultation event that was held at the University of Derby on the 14th January. This event looked at the latest draft of a Strategy for Workforce Development with a proposed Action Plan for CPD.
NAEGA is also commenting on the latest LLUK proposals for new qualifications for the sector. These are for:
- the Level 3 Award: Supporting clients to overcome barriers to learning and work
- the Level 4 Diploma: Careers Information and Advice
- the Level 6 Diploma: Career Guidance and Development
The Level 6 qualification proposed is a significant change, replacing the old framework qualifications at NVQ Level 4.
LLUK's latest proposals on the content for each qualification and for CPD, reflect strong support from practitioners and other stakeholders for the inclusion of the theories of career guidance and their practical application in adult CIAG training and development and for an ethical framework to underpin all work, training and development in adult CIAG. NAEGA has been a strong advocate for this proposal.
The final LLUK proposal for a new qualifications strategy and a strategy for workforce development and CPD will be completed by the end of March. The latter may include proposals on how to upgrade staff who currently hold an NVQ 4 to the new NQF Level 6 qualification. The DBIS and LSC and AACS employers may hold views on any additional cost implications.
It is expected that the new workforce development and CPD strategy will be specified for AACS providers. The importance of ongoing CPD, another NAEGA goal, has been recognised.
One item still being hotly debated is that of registration. It is unlikely to have been settled by March. Perhaps NAEGA members could contribute their different views on this and on "a license to practice", as the debate continues.