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News Archive 2008

Adult Advancement and Careers Service
Posted: 21 December 2008
Dierdre Hughes comments on the new service.
Talking Jobs
Posted: 18 December 2008
Snapshot of young people and experiences of work.
LSIS Policy Update No. 6
Posted: 17 December 2008
Latest policy news roundup from Ben Margulies at LSIS. Covers news stories from 1 to 15 December 2008.
NAEGA admin services tender
Posted: 10 December 2008
An invitation to tender for NAEGA's administration services.
Labour Market Information Research
Posted: 10 December 2008
New research briefing from Investors in People UK.
Qualifications and credit framework and foundation learning tier
Posted: 8 December 2008
Check out briefing paper prepared by NIACE.
LSIS Policy Update No. 5
Posted: 5 December 2008
Latest policy news roundup from Ben Margulies at LSIS. Covers news stories from 14 November to 1 December 2008.
Integrating guidance to learning
Posted: 3 December 2008
New EU resolution on lifelong guidance and learning passed.
Career Guidance in Fractured Communities: Your questions?
Posted: 22 November 2008
A chance to ask questions at the iCeGS annual lecture on 16 December.
Family Learning Local Authority Group and NIACE Conference
Posted: 21 November 2008
Call for submissions for 22/23 January conference.
LSIS Policy Update No. 4
Posted: 19 November 2008
Latest policy news roundup from Ben Margulies at LSIS. Covers news stories from 31 October to 14 November 2008.
More Brief Guides
Posted: 18 November 2008
LSIS had published Brief Guides to LSC intervention policy, the LSC's Models for Success and the UKCES Simplification of Skills paper.
DIUS launches prospectus for new adult careers service
Posted: 3 November 2008
NAEGA welcomes the publication of Shaping the Future.
LSIS Policy Update No. 3
Posted: 3 November 2008
Latest policy news roundup from Ben Margulies at LSIS. Covers news stories from 17 to 31 October 2008.
Strategic skills in the economy
Posted: 2 November 2008
The Secretary of State has made a major speech on skills.
Funding for post 16 learning
Posted: 2 November 2008
LSC has issued a short summary of learner support funding.
Inquiry into lifelong learning
Posted: 2 November 2008
The inquiry into lifelong learning sponsored by NIACE (the National Institute for Adult and Continuing Education) has produced its first 'Public Value Paper'.
New from EGSA
Posted: 29 October 2008
Check out the EGSA annual report and a briefing paper on its contribution to the NI economy.
Success for Lucy
Posted: 24 October 2008
Read NAEGA member Lucy Hearne's British Journal of Guidance and Counselling award winning article.
Rethink on tuition fees
Posted: 24 October 2008
Ministers have promised to review tuition fees for part-time students.
EGSA performance claim
Posted: 24 October 2008
For every £1 of public funding, the exchequer gets an additional £9 of tax.
OU Award
Posted: 24 October 2008
Check out the award-winning OU careers website.
iCeGS annual lecture
Posted: 24 October 2008
What makes a successful guidance service in a fractured community?
Life Members
Posted: 24 October 2008
Dr Judy Galloway and Ruth Hawthorn have been awarded life membership of NAEGA.
Barrie's Blog
Posted: 24 October 2008
The Rainbow Years - the pluses of being 50+, Barrie's Blog keeps people up to date with developments, research and stories relevant to the over 50s.
Julie wins poster award
Posted: 24 October 2008
Congratulations to Julie Cooper who won the award for the best conference poster about the One To One Toolkit.
Support for small businesses
Posted: 23 October 2008
DIUS has announced a package of support to help small businesses to train their staff to enable them to get through the economic downturn.
Brief Guide to the Government reshuffle
Posted: 23 October 2008
Setting out the relevant information currently available on the government reshuffle.
LSIS Policy Update No. 2
Posted: 23 October 2008
Latest policy news roundup from Ben Margulies at LSIS. Covers news stories from 7 to 17 October 2008.
There are still jobs in finance!
Posted: 20 October 2008
A new financial careers information service has been launched by the Financial Services Skills Council (FSSC).
Brief Guides
Posted: 14 October 2008
New guides to the London skills strategy and the Conservative skills policy have just been published.
National Mental Health Strategy Refresh
Posted: 12 October 2008
The LSC recently launched the consultation document National Mental Health Strategy Refresh.
NIACE Training Courses
Posted: 12 October 2008
Details of upcoming courses from NIACE.
LSIS Policy Update No. 1
Posted: 11 October 2008
The Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) is the new body resulting from the merger of the Centre for Excellence in Leadership and the Quality Improvement Agency. Ben Margulies continues to compile his policy news updates under the new title - this issue covers the period 19 September to 7 October 2008.
Foundation Direct Careers Support Website Project
Posted: 1 October 2008
Foundation Direct (CETL) at Portsmouth University is currently working on a project to develop a careers support website for Foundation degree students.
Skills Accounts - report and rollout
Posted: 29 September 2008
A report on Skills Accounts and rollout has been published.
DIUS to tender for delivery of the matrix Standard
Posted: 29 September 2008
DIUS is inviting organisations to tender for the management and delivery of the matrix Standard.
DIUS - Adult Advancement and Careers Service
Posted: 26 September 2008
Find out what was discussed at the Expert Practitioners' Workshop held in June.
CEL Policy Update No. 36
Posted: 19 September 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 4 to 19 September 2008.
Good Day!
Posted: 18 September 2008
SummitSkills, the Sector Skills Council for building services engineering has launched a campaign promoting the benefits of careers in the sector.
CEL Policy Update No. 35
Posted: 11 September 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 15 August to 5 September 2008.
Working conditions of an ageing workforce
Posted: 11 September 2008
Read this new report on the significance of age on working conditions.
Segmentation of adults by attitudes and barriers to learning
Posted: 11 September 2008
DIUS has published research which divides the adult population according to attitudes towards and barriers to learning.
Work Skills - DWP and DIUS
Posted: 11 September 2008
This joint publication continues the implementation of the Leitch Review of Skills.
Evaluation of Back to Work group sessions
Posted: 11 September 2008
The summary report of the trial of the Back to Work group sessions has been published. Interesting if depressing. DWP could benefit from help from IAG providers!
Research on graduate recruitment and development in Northern Ireland
Posted: 11 September 2008
Case study research carried out within several employment sectors in Northern Ireland.
Skills that Work for Wales
Posted: 8 September 2008
The Welsh Government recently published Skills That Work for Wales.
CEL Policy Update No. 34
Posted: 1 September 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 31 July to 15 August 2008.
Review of IAG out now
Posted: 15 August 2008
The final report of the 2006 Cross Government Review of Information, Advice and Guidance Services for Adults in England is now available.
New careers service report
Posted: 1 August 2008
Read the report of a recent expert practitioners' workshop about the new adult advancement and careers service.
NAEGA meets DIUS again
Posted: 22 July 2008
NAEGA and DIUS met again to discuss how NAEGA might assist in the development of the new Adult Advancement and Careers Service in England.
Career Guidance for the Older Workforce
Posted: 21 July 2008
Lyn Barham spoke to the NAEGA South West Branch about a research report on guidance provision for older adults.
Measuring the impact of adult guidance - lessons from North East England
Posted: 21 July 2008
Get your copy of this new publication about evaluating the soft outcomes of the guidance process.
Shaping the Future - Tees Valley annual IAG conference
Posted: 21 July 2008
Report on the final conference of nextstep Tees Valley.
nextstep contracts
Posted: 21 July 2008
Latest news on the successful tenders for nextstep contracts.
Adult Learning Grant one year on
Posted: 21 July 2008
The Adult Learning Grant (ALG) recently celebrated its first anniversary. Figures show it has been a great success.
Time to train consultation
Posted: 21 July 2008
What do you think? DIUS invites views on proposals to give employees in England a right to a serious conversation with their employer about their skills development.
Futuretrack report
Posted: 21 July 2008
Detailed invetigation into the career decision-making among 2006 applicants for UK full-time undergraduate and sub-degree courses.
Lifelong Learning Networks
Posted: 21 July 2008
West Yorkshire Lifelong Learning Network has provided an explanation of LLNs.
Denham calls on employees to enter higher education
Posted: 21 July 2008
The government is saying that every person who has the ability to go to university should have the opportunity to do so.
Lucy Hearne in Finland
Posted: 21 July 2008
Lucy reports on her latest visit to Finland. Read her latest update and meet her at the conference.
Deirdre Hughes steps down from iCeGS
Posted: 21 July 2008
Founding director Deirdre Hughes is stepping down from the Centre for Guidance Studies.
Skills for Scotland Strategy document sent back for rethink
Posted: 21 July 2008
The Scottish Parliament voted in May to revise its proposed skills strategy.
CEL Policy Update No. 32
Posted: 16 July 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 4 to 15 July 2008.
Wanted! Careers Advisers who have left Connexions
Posted: 16 July 2008
The ICG are conducting a research project to investigate the impact of 14-19 policies on career guidance in England.
CEL Policy Update No. 31
Posted: 16 July 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 20 June to 4 July 2008. Also a brief guide to the Cabinet paper Excellence and fairness.
Break-Out or Break-Up?
Posted: 16 July 2008
Report into the implications of Institutional Employability Strategies for the role and structure of University Careers Services.
Placing employment advisers in GP surgeries
Posted: 16 July 2008
A research report commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions Pathways Advisory Service.
CEL Policy Update No. 30
Posted: 15 July 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 9 to 20 June 2008. Also a bonus guide to the DWP/DIUS paper Work Skills.
DIUS proposes compulsory training
Posted: 15 July 2008
Compulsory training and an overhauled training system to help people get into and on at work.
NIACE calls for submissions
Posted: 15 July 2008
NIACE is calling for submissions of evidence to its enquiry on lifelong learning.
CEL Policy Update No. 29
Posted: 14 June 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 28 May to 9 June 2008. In this edition: a new skills academy is in the works, the National Audit Office reports on Skills for Life, and many secondary schools may face closure or conversion to academy status under a new DCSF directive. Also, continuing activity on the unions front, and more controversy around the head of the Independent Schools Council.
Offender learning
Posted: 13 June 2008
The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) has published a booklet of FAQs for the new OLASS (Offender Learning and Skills Service) prospectus.
CBI surveys education and skills
Posted: 13 June 2008
The Confederation of British Industry has just published Taking Stock - its annual survey on education and skills.
Attitudes to learning
Posted: 13 June 2008
New report from DIUS on adult attitudes to learning.
Life chances
Posted: 13 June 2008
Check out the report from the Cabinet Office on progressing life chances.
Decline in adult learning
Posted: 13 June 2008
A new survey indicates that fewer adults are taking up learning.
Posted: 6 June 2008
Notes of recent meeting between NAEGA and DIUS.
Consultation Document: Skills that Work for Wales: A skills and employment strategy
Posted: 6 June 2008
NAEGA welcomes the publication of this comprehensive and timely document, responding as it does to the economic priorities set out in the Leitch agenda for the achievement of world-class skills in the UK by the year 2020. Download our response document from the Library section under "Developments in Adult Guidance".
nextstep contracts
Posted: 6 June 2008
The successful tenders for nextstep contracts have been announced.
LLNs, employer engagement and IAG
Posted: 6 June 2008
Powerpoint presentation by Vivienne Rivis.
CEL Policy Update No. 28
Posted: 30 May 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 16 to 28 May 2008. This week, good news on learner success rates, DIUS's first-ever annual report, and calls from the head of the UK Employment and Skills Commission to 'slim' the system. Also, a busy week at the University and College Union, and some interesting perspectives on the split of the two education departments, especially from the Conservatives.
CEL Policy Update No. 27
Posted: 21 May 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 2 to 16 May 2008. This week, we have details on the new Education and Skills Bill, new degree-awarding powers for FE providers, an interesting new survey by NIACE and more on the sector-owned improvement body due to launch this summer. Also, Boris appoints his first advisers.
Unionlearn Language Lines
Posted: 19 May 2008
Trades Union Congress (TUC) education service, unionlearn, provides some useful support and advice to help foreign nationals such as migrants and refugees settle in better and more quickly.
Lifelong Learning UK
Posted: 19 May 2008
Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) has launched the implementation plan for its FE workforce development strategy.
IAG Inquiry: launch of final report
Posted: 16 May 2008
The final report of the Skills Commission's six month inquiry into information, advice and guidance (IAG) is now available.
Intelligence from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Posted: 16 May 2008
This new newsletter has useful information for anyone involved in guidance.
Skills Development Scotland
Posted: 13 May 2008
Find out about this new skills body which brings together four partner organisations.
Career Guidance Week 2008
Posted: 13 May 2008
The Career Guidance Week 2008 programme is now available from iCeGS.
CEL Policy Update No. 26
Posted: 9 May 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 18 April to 2 May 2008. This issue includes an interesting survey of FE lecturers about their work conditions, the latest on the industrial actions in the sector, and an interesting parliamentary report on the Children's Plan. Also, a couple of good reports from the think-tank Demos.
Unionlearn publications
Posted: 2 May 2008
Check out the publications news from Unionlearn.
Raising expectations
Posted: 23 April 2008
DIUS and DCSF outline plans to close the LSC by 2010. Find out more about the White Paper and the LSC's response.
Adult Learners' Week
Posted: 22 April 2008
This established annual event takes place from 17-23 May.
CeGS turns ten
Posted: 22 April 2008
Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby is 10 years old.
Sue Claydon
Posted: 22 April 2008
Former vice-chair, Sue Claydon is on a six-month placement with VSO.
Lucy Hearne
Posted: 22 April 2008
NAEGA member, Lucy Hearne will be speaking about what she has found out about guidance in Italy and Finland at the NAEGA conference in September.
ILAs in Scotland - were they worth it?
Posted: 22 April 2008
Find out more in the final evaluation report of Individual Learning Accounts.
Everyone must be given the chance to upgrade their skills
Posted: 22 April 2008
... according to Tony Watts in a recent article in the Education Guardian. Read the full article and see Marie Bett's response.
Skills Pledge
Posted: 22 April 2008
Major companies have made a New Year's resolution to train staff through the Skills Pledge.
Making skills work
Posted: 22 April 2008
Latest DWP/DIUS paper on making skills work.
Skills funding boost
Posted: 22 April 2008
Government announces £60m funding boost for DIUS to improve adult skills.
LSC to go
Posted: 22 April 2008
Demise of the Learning and Skills Council.
More change at Careers Scotland
Posted: 22 April 2008
Careers Scotland has been incorporated into a new organisation.
Economic success in NI linked to higher education
Posted: 22 April 2008
The Minister for Employment and Learning has emphasised the importance of higher education in today's economic environment.
UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Posted: 22 April 2008
The new UK Commission for Employment and Skills opens for business.
Government details funding for skills reforms
Posted: 22 April 2008
New reforms to improve the delivery of skills for adults and young people.
Results of LSC survey on training
Posted: 22 April 2008
Employers urged to change attitude to training to keep staff happy.
ICG HE Advisers Community Conference
Posted: 22 April 2008
The first annual ICG HE Advisers Community Conference takes place in London on 12 June.
Transforming Careers
Posted: 22 April 2008
Course on 15 May with practical tips to motivate clients find great jobs, and to help clients who don't know what career to go for.
EGSA reaches 40
Posted: 22 April 2008
The Educational Guidance Service for Adults has just celebrated its first 40 years.
Newbattle Abbey
Posted: 22 April 2008
Newbattle Abbey Adult Residential College celebrates 70 years.
New Skills Research Reports from DELNI
Posted: 22 April 2008
The Department for Employment and Learning (Northern Ireland) has published the two reports on research into skills issues.
Inspiration and aspiration: realising our potential in the 21st century
Posted: 22 April 2008
Full report on Skills Commission inquiry IAG services in England.
A helping hand - just when you need it most
Posted: 22 April 2008
Special pricing on insurance for NAEGA members.
CEL Policy Update No. 25
Posted: 21 April 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 20 March to 9 April 2008. This week, we have a new skills audit from the CBI and Edexcel, a lot of discussion of the 14-19 Diplomas, and a great deal of activity on the unions front. Also, the Welsh government publishes its policy plans, and the IfL has a new director.
CEL Policy Update No. 24
Posted: 11 April 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 20 March to 9 April 2008. This instalment includes the historic occasion of the first FE provider to win awarding-body powers. Also, a big new FE capital programme, major reforms to HE admissions and new charity regulations.
CEL Policy Update No. 23
Posted: 26 March 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 12 to 20 March 2008. This week, we have a radical shake-up of post-16 education, an innovation white paper and some very unhappy unions. Also, an interesting article on the academies and a big expansion in the Diplomas.
Getting on at work
Posted: 18 March 2008
New advancement service will help Londoners get work and get on at work.
CEL Policy Update No. 22
Posted: 18 March 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 5 to 12 March 2008. This week: coverage of the 2008-2009 Budget, new developments in the Diploma programme and teacher training and the Hefce grant letter. Plus, a new face at City and Guilds and some interesting developments from the Cabinet Office on volunteering.
Career Development in the UK: Guidance for Advancement
Posted: 11 March 2008
Event organised by iCeGS on 21 April, Buxton.
Hi Ho
Posted: 11 March 2008
Latest news from the Career-learning Café.
Getting Insider Industry Info to your Clients
Posted: 9 March 2008
A half-day workshop on careers in the audio visual and creative and cultural sectors, Dundee, 14 March.
CEL Policy Update No. 21
Posted: 9 March 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 27 February to 5 March 2008. In this edition: a new commissioning strategy for employment services from DWP, a new "university challenge" from DIUS, and the start of a major exercise in citizen participation in local government from Hazel Blears. Also, job opportunities from the LSC.
CEL Policy Update No. 20
Posted: 7 March 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 20 to 27 February 2008. This week: apprenticeships will be expanding, the Government has a new strategy for the creative industries, the LSC's new chair will be - its current one, re-appointed to a three-year term, and news about the new Diplomas.
CEL Policy Update No. 19
Posted: 28 February 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 12 to 20 February 2008. A new AoC CEO, some good news (and bad news) from the HE sector, and a big shake-up at the University and College Union. Also, full details of the big battle over languages GCSEs.
Skills Commission inquiry about IAG
Posted: 22 February 2008
Policy Connect has a brief summary of the interim finds emerging from a recent Skills Commission inquiry.
CEL Policy Update No. 18
Posted: 18 February 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 4 to 12 February 2008.
CEL Policy Update No. 17
Posted: 18 February 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 25 January 2007 to 4 February 2008.
CEL Policy Update No. 16
Posted: 18 February 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 15 to 25 January 2008.
CEL Policy Update No. 15
Posted: 18 February 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 20 December 2007 to 5 January 2008.
Adult advancement and careers service
Posted: 7 February 2008
The LSC will issue two-year contracts to maintain nextstep and pilot aspects of the new adult careers service.
The changing world of adult guidance
Posted: 25 January 2008
Conference run by the Institute of Careers Guidance. 11 March in London.
Learning from practice
Posted: 25 January 2008
The NIACE conference on 6 February in Nottingham will address challenges and issues for the new adult careers service on working with marginalised groups.
Geoff Ford
Posted: 25 January 2008
We are sorry to have to pass on the news that Geoff Ford has died.
CEL Policy Update No. 14
Posted: 6 January 2008
News briefing from the Centre for Excellence in Leadership, covering 13 to 19 December 2007.
Get ready for the new QCF
Posted: 6 January 2008
Will you be ready to meet the challenges and maximise the benefits of the new Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)?

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