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News and Events
  • News 2005
  • News 2006
  • News 2007
    • A Brief Guide to the Freud Report
    • Age, Skills and IAG
    • Briefing for FE sector on the machinery of government changes
    • CeGS Career Guidance Week 2007: Who Cares About Career?
    • CEL Policy Update No. 10
    • CEL Policy Update No. 11
    • CEL Policy Update No. 12
    • CEL Policy Update No. 13
    • CEL Policy Update No. 2
    • CEL Policy Update No. 3
    • CEL Policy Update No. 7
    • CEL Policy Update No. 8
    • CEL Policy Update No. 9
    • Civvy Street Partnership
    • Creative & Cultural Skills launch Creative Knowledge Lab Pilots
    • De-merger in Scotland: decision delayed
    • Decisions at 48 - Supporting Mid-life Career Planning
    • Energy & Utility Skills website for young people
    • European Guidance Research Forum
    • Federation of Professionals in Adult Guidance
    • Free matrix Standard workshops
    • Free workshops on audio-visual sector
    • Government to spend on basic training
    • Guidance - Force for Change
    • Guidance Library for Adults Returning to Education
    • HEFCE releases figures on funding cuts for second degrees
    • Important announcement on new adult careers and advancement service
    • Important Report from Skillset
    • International Careers Guidance Conference
    • Leadership Network for Women in FE is launched
    • Learner Support Programme - your views needed
    • Learning for Life
    • Learning from Adult Guidance Practice
    • London Adult Skills and Employment Strategy
    • LSC commissions CeGS to undertake research
    • Meeting the needs of adult learners with mental health difficulties
    • More reading on supervision for guidance workers
    • NAEGA's Principles for Ethical Practice
    • National Construction Week
    • New Textbook for Guidance Students and Trainers - Understanding Career Counselling
    • Online learning resource about Labour Market Information launched
    • Opening up Opportunities through advice and guidance
    • Putting Research into Practice
    • Qualification Reform Support Programme
    • Return to Learn
    • Skills Diagnostics and Screening Tools
    • Update on Skills
    • Wanted - your thoughts on LMI
    • Web map to show student bursaries
  • News 2008
  • News 2009
    • Adult Advancement and Careers Service - notes on issues
    • Adult advancement and careers service - urgent call for your participation
    • Beyond the recession - preparing for the upturn
    • Brain drain brain gain
    • Brief Guide to Beyond Leitch
    • Brief Guide to FE and Skills System Reforms
    • Brief Guide to New industry, new jobs
    • Brief Guide to New Opportunities
    • Brief Guide to Re-skilling for Recovery
    • Brief Guide to the Foster Report
    • Brief Guides
    • Brief Guides from LSIS
    • Brief Guides to Ambition 2020 and Learning Revolution
    • Brief Guides to Conservative local government and Education White Paper
    • Brief Guides to government Skills and Higher Education strategies
    • Brief Guides to Skills Investment Strategy and National Commissioning Framework
    • Brief Guides to UKCES and CfBT Education Trust reports
    • Cabinet reshuffle
    • Call for matrix practitioners
    • Career development loans are changing
    • Career learning for the 21st century - a leadership issue for the FE sector
    • Careers in the 21st Century
    • Careers Practitioner Panels
    • Careers services in Wales
    • Changing times for careers advice
    • Changing World, Changing Research: Call for contributions
    • Children's care and learning development apprenticeship
    • Closing the gender skills gap
    • Critical report on offender learning
    • Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Institutions
    • Disability Equality in Lifelong Learning call for good practice examples
    • Economic crisis could increase xenophobia in Europe
    • EMPIRE Project UK Dissemination Conference
    • First national event to celebrate EYPS
    • Foundation Degree Forward Developing Website and Toolkit for Advisers
    • Free LSIS workshops for those working with young people
    • From Vocational Guidance to Portfolio Careers: A Critical Review
    • Goodison Group discusses lifelong learning in Scotland
    • Goodison Group second seminar in Scotland
    • Government to treble number of career development loans
    • Graduate Talent Pool launched
    • iCeGS occasional papers
    • In and beyond the downturn; the role and promise of adult learning
    • Invitation to input into new qualifications for the Career Guidance sector
    • Job vacancy at Lifelong Learning UK
    • Job vacancy at Oakbank Lifelong Learning Centre
    • Last chance
    • Leadership within a local public service coalition
    • LLUK Career Guidance Constituency Panel
    • LSIS response to consultation on further education and skills
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 10
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 11
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 12
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 13
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 15
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 16
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 17
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 18
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 19
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 20
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 21
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 22
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 23
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 24
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 25
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 26
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 27
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 28
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 29
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 7
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 8
    • LSIS Policy Update No. 9
    • Making advancement a reality: seminar
    • Membership database
    • National Learner Panel
    • National Skills Academy
    • New IAG strategy launched
    • New NAEGA administrators
    • New NIACE reports
    • New opportunities - Fair chances for the future
    • NIACE events
    • NIACE Spring policy briefing
    • NIACE summer briefings
    • Ofsted consultation
    • On-line education guide
    • Panel on Fair Access to the Professions
    • Progress update on skills system reforms
    • Public Legal Education conference
    • Report from the DIUS expert practitioners workshop
    • Report of LSIS seminar on FE providers
    • Research into skills issues in the careers and guidance workforce
    • Sector Careers Link
    • Sector Careers Link - May 2009
    • Sector Skills Councils relicensing
    • Skillset Connects
    • SSC Relicensing News
    • Support for business
    • Talent . . . Opportunity - Prosperity Requires Connecting the Dots
    • The Chaos Theory of Careers
    • The Guide to Working in Further Education
    • The importance of being local
    • The role of Community Outreach Workers in promoting Higher Education
    • Towards an all-age service
    • UKCES Annual Report
    • Urgent - case studies of the impact of ongoing guidance
    • Welfare Reform
    • Welsh Assembly Government responds to Webb Review of FE in Wales
    • What's in a name?
  • News 2010
  • News 2011
    • Adult career guidance: meeting needs in a changing environment
    • Government Advisory Group Voices Concerns on Widespread Destruction of Careers Services for Young People
    • LSIS Policy Update 2011 No. 16
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